General Theories of Systems (GST->GTS)
/or/ “Can you study ‘systemness’ in itself as apart from types of systems (manifest, real, artificial, natural, human, engineered, abstract)?”
9 Articles: 10 Abstracts, Editorials: 34 Presentation PPts
1. Troncale, L.R. (1985) “The Future of General Systems Science: Obstacles, Potentials, Case Studies.” 7 Figures, 7 Tables, 147 References. Systems Research Journal. Vol. 2(1): 43-84. Also reprinted with permission as a IIASA Working Paper, WP-85-21, May, 1985.
The Future of General Systems Research: Obstacles, Potentials, Case Studies (1985a, Troncale)
2. Troncale, L.R. (1985) “Towards A Consensus Glossary of Systems Concepts.” in Systems Inquiring Vol. I. Theory, Philosophy Methodology (B. Banathy, Ed.), Intersystems Publications, Seaside, Ca. pp. 14-17.
Towards A Consensus Glossary of Systems Concepts (Troncale, 1985)
3. Troncale, L. (1989) “Bridging the Gap Between the Natural and Social Sciences: A Critical Problem for the Unified Systems Sciences” in the Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ISSS Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland. (P.W.J. Ledington, Ed.), Vol. III: 142-145.
4. Troncale, L. (1990) “Bridging the Gap Between the Natural and Human Sciences: Is It Possible? Is It Desirable?” Proceedings of the 34th Annual Mtg. of the International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS), Portland State University, pp. 551-556. (B.A. Banathy, Editor)
5. Troncale, L., C. Lee, K. Nelson, J. Tres (1990) “Six Case Studies of Empirically-Based Chaos/Fractal Research: Does Chaos/Fractal Analysis Yeld Isomorphies for General Systems Theories”, Proceedings of the 34th Annual Mtg. of the International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS), Portland State University, pp. 1157-1164 (B.A. Banathy, Editor)
6. Troncale, L. (2000) “The Future of Systems Science,” in Selected Proceedings: World Congress of the Systems Sciences, Toronto, Canada, July, Plenum Press, NY., 12 pages.
The Future of the Natural Systems Sciences (2000a, Troncale)
7. Troncale, L. (2000) “Seven Critical Needs and Future Direction” Proceedings of the Symposium on Public Policy and Complex Systems Research, Published by the RAND Corporation. 6 Figures, 9 pages.
8. Troncale, L. (2001) “The Future of the Natural Systems Sciences”
The Future of the Natural Systems Sciences (Troncale, 2001)
9. Troncale, L. (2006), “Towards A Science of Systems” Systems Research and Behavioral Science, Special Issue on J.G. Miller, Founding Editor (G.A. Swanson, Ed.)
2006 Towards a Science of Systems.
10. Troncale, L. (2006), “Recollections: An Appreciation of the Miller’s in a Personal Memoir” Systems Research and Behavioral Science, Special Journal Edition on J.G. Miller, Founding Editor (G.A. Swanson, Ed.) 23(3): 279-288.
11. Troncale, L. (2009), “Revisited: The Future of General Systems Research: Update on Obstacles, Potentials, Case Studies” Systems Research and Behavioral Science Syst. Res. (2009) Published online in Wiley InterScience ( DOI:10.1002/sres.997
1. Troncale, L., A. Wilson (1977) “Conflicts in Systems Change: Process-Orientation in Natural Systems vs. Goal-Orientations in Man-Based Systems,” in General Systems Paradigm: Science of Change and Change in Science, Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meeting (J. White, Ed.) Publ. by the Society for General Systems Research, Louisville, Ky., page 164. (abstract)
2. Troncale, L.R. (1984) “What Would A General Systems Theory Look Like If I Bumped Into It?” General Systems Bulletin. Vol XIV (3): 7-10. (editorial). Go to What Would a General Systems Theory Look Like if I Bumped Into It? (1984c, Troncale)
3. Troncale, L.R. (1985) “Basic Research on the ‘Special Knowledge’ of General Systems Science: Introduction to the Systems Theory Section.” in Systems Inquiring: Vol. I. Theory, Philosophy, Methodology (B. Banathy, Ed.), Intersystems Publications, Seaside, Ca. pp. 7-13. (editorial)
4. Troncale, L.R. (1985) “Systems Leadership: Past, Present, Future.” General Systems Bulletin, Vol. XV (2): 67-70.(editorial).
5. Troncale, L.R. (1986) “Organizational Development and Personal Service.” General Systems Bulletin, Vol. XVI (2): 36-39. (editorial)
6. Troncale, L. (1988) “Changes-In-Progress, Stocktaking, Changes-to- Come.” General Systems Bulletin, Vol XV III, No. 1: pp 2-?. (editorial)
7. Troncale, L. (1989) “A Critical Problem for the Unified Systems Sciences” in the Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ISSS Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland (P.W.J. Ledington, Ed.), Vol. III: 146-147. (Abstract)
8. Troncale, L. (1990) “From Revolutionary Change to Steady Evolution: Plain Talk About Society (ISSS) Services” General Systems Bulletin, 19(2): 7-11 (editorial)
9. Troncale, L. (1999) “Why 50 Years of ISSS Activities Did Not Result in a General Theory of Systems: What We Must Do in the Second Millenium, “ (in Humanity, Science, Technology: Systemic Foundations of the Information Age. (Hall & Wilby, Ed.’s) Issued as ISBN 0-9664183-3-6 in July, 1999, Published by the ISSS.), p. 417-8. (Abstract)
10. Troncale, L. (1999) “Natural Systems Science: A Practical Plan for Systems Research Collaboration,” in Humanity, Science, Technology: Systemic Foundations of the Information Age. (Hall & Wilby, Ed.’s) Issued as ISBN 0-9664183-3-6 in July, 1999, Published by the ISSS, pp. 421-2. (Abstract)
11. Troncale, L. (2001) “In Memory of Biologist Ludwig von Bertalanffy: Historical Perspectives for ISSS Self-Reflection,” July 10th, 45th International Conference of the International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS), Asilomar, Pacific Grove, Ca., July 8th – 13th, 2001. (Abstract for Plenary Session)
1. Troncale, L. “Graph of Relations Between Extant General Theories of Systems as Represented by ISCCS.” Poster Presentation at the 48th Annual Conference for the International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS), Asilomar, California, July 4-9, 2005.
1. Troncale, L.R., and B. Banathy (1974), “Systems Theory and Its Applications: A Report on Four Workshops Comparing Systems Theories, Types, and Education Programs,” General Systems Bulletin Vol. 5: pp. 15-23. (meeting report)
2. Troncale, L.R. (1975) “Poll of the SGSR Membership to Establish A Computerized Data Base for Comparing General Systems Theories,” General Systems Bulletin, Vol. V (2): pages 9-14. (report)
3. Troncale, L.R. (1978) “Nature’s Enduring Patterns: A Review of the Concepts in Systems Theory,” California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. 91768. Self Published by the former Institute for Advanced Systems Sciences 33o pgs (Book)
Nature’s Enduring Patterns: A Review of the Concepts in Systems Theory is available at the Claremont Office (232 Harrison Ave Suite B, Claremont, CA 91711).
Physical Copies are available for 35$. Email Dr. Troncale for more information. [email protected]
Started reading your book. It is fantastic. It is so relevant today it is hard to believe you wrote it in 1978.
I hope lots of people ordered it at ISSS + more. I hope much of the world gets to read it.
– Luke Friendshuh