Scheduled Events

APRIL: Lecture on Systems Biology of Cancer – Mon, April 29 – Calif. State Polytechnic University (Bldg 163, Rm 1001) 4-6 pm.

This lecture will cover 7 topics: What is Genomics? The Concept & Practice of Personalized Medicine. What are Microarrays? What is Systems Biology? Why Study Cancer With Systems Biology? Case Studies of Using Systems Biology to Study Cancer (including breast, ovarian, lung, colon, pancreatic, melanoma, prostrate, leukemia, & cervical cancers). Perspectives and Future Studies in Cancer Genomics.

JUNE: Pre-Conference Workshop “Systems Processes and Pathologies” at the Annual International Symposium of INCOSE, Philadelphia, PA. – Sat, June 22 – Marriott Hotel (room?) 8 am to 5 pm.

Limited to 30 participants. Workshop objectives & methodology are currently being planned by regular Skype meetings of prospective participants. There will be 14 posters available or mounted on room walls on various facets of this extensive project. Here are links to the abstracts for the 14 posters and to three key papers that should be read on the topic before attending…

Here is a link to the first paper written on the Systems Processes Theoryย (1978). Although 40 years old, it still describes all the key parts of our current research framework because that plan required even then generations of work to be done — so it is still useful to read. At that time I called the connected items Principal Systems Concepts (after the advice of R. Ericson) but already was restricting key words and concepts to those that contributed to how systems worked. Linkage Propositions and their categories were already described.

Linkage Propositions Between Fifty Principle Systems Concepts (1978, Troncale)

Here is a link to the two most recent papers (2012)ย on Systems Processes Theory, one on the Systems Processes and one on the Linkage Propositions.

Identifying Fundamental Systems Processes for a General Theory of Systems (2012, Friendshuh and Troncale)

JUNE: Poster Presentation, Annual Meeting of the Int’l Council for Systems Engineering, IS’13, Philadelphia, PA. – day May x TBA “Systems Processes and Pathologies: Creating An Integrated Framework for Systems Science”

The above cited poster is in preparation and not linked here. I do link here the abstracts for 14 posters to be displayed on the walls of the room for the Saturday INCOSE workshop in addition to two representative posters.

Abstracts for 14 Posters on Systems Processes and Pathologies

JULY xx? INCOSE-LA Chapter Panel reporting on INCOSE IW’13 in Florida and IS’13 in Pennsylvania. Planning in Progress. Look here later for details.



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