
The American Association for the Advancement of Science is still considered the world’s largest science-based professional organizations with >120,000 members. This website author is now a Lifetime Member of the AAAS. The ISSS used to meet annually with AAAS and two of its Presidents were also Presidents of the AAAS (Dr. Ken Boulding and Dr. Margaret Mead). Recall that the author of this website also ghost wrote Congressional Record items for another AAAS President, Emilio Q. Daddario (D-Conn).

ISSS (the earliest systems-based society) once was, and now again is, an affiliate of the AAAS. ISSS tries to have one symposium per year with the annual AAAS meeting bringing the message of general systems to the reductionist sciences more conventionally represented in AAAS.

The AAAS journal Science is considered one of the most sought-after places to publish science results because it reaches nearly 150,000 readers each week. It publishes across the wide range of scientific reductionist specialties so is considered interdisciplinary.