I call these applied and “service” courses because besides giving the students a background in the cell and molecular biology and the most current research results of the topic, they also emphasized very practical and personal advice on leading a more healthy life. These courses were open to ALL majors, not just biological science majors. About half of each class was typically non-biologists. The last 10-15 years of LT teaching was devoted to these classes.
Human Sexuality (Bio 301) –ย Comprehensive examination of human sexuality including anatomy, physiology, ethics, evolution, reproduction, and sexually transmitted diseases.
Biology of Cancer (Bio 302) –ย A detailed understanding of cellular and molecular cancer biology, external and internal physiological factors that contribute to cancer development, as well as the basis for therapeutic approaches. Course includes visiting, guest lectures by medical specialists in most of the major organ and blood cancers from major LA research universities.
Biology of Aging (Bio 328) –