Category Archives: SoSPT
Systems Engineering (5)
During the years 2010 until now, work on the Systems Processes Theory (SPT) has proceeded with the help of several systems engineers who are working together under the auspices of a joint memo of agreement and cooperation between INCOSE (the … Continue reading
Research on Dualities (2)
Dualities exist everywhere. Our argument is that they appear so widely because they are important to systems dynamics. In the System of Systems Processes Theory we have proposed a neologism for duality. We call this isomorphic phenomenon ……. “counterparity”……. to … Continue reading
Artificial Systems Research
Artificial Systems Research refers to our efforts to place the SoSPT theory in virtual reality much like researchers on Artificial Life placed virtual biosystems in virtual reality to explore genetics and evolution. This would enable adding or subtracting different sets … Continue reading
Techniques for Integration/Synthesis
Where is “integration” taught? At what level is “synthesis” taught to our children. Ironically, both of these are honored as the most important of human accomplishments when they are completed. But they are not taught anywhere in our current curricula … Continue reading
Rules for Abstraction
To arrive at a “theory” of systems requires several levels of abstraction form comparing a wide range of natural and human systems. While workers have been doing this for ages, one rarely encounters a deep examination of how accurate abstraction … Continue reading
SP3T Rationale – Overview
What does this theory of systems do that others do not do? If one compares the more than 50 extant attempts at systems theory or general theories of systems, one sees that: SP3T focuses on isomorphies, and mostly isomorphies (the original … Continue reading
Tenets/Working Hypotheses
Most philosophies or worldviews or theories have a series of statements that describe their underlying propositions. A simple statements of all of these identified assumptions or working hypotheses gives a summary of the content of the body of knowledge. The … Continue reading
SysProcesses Research
This section contains listings of 105 candidate systems processes (hereafter SPs); the short list of 50 main SPs; and research packets on each of the SPs covered to date by members of this international team. Research continues on the Identifying … Continue reading
Systems Processes Theory (SPT)
The SPT is an ongoing unification of many systems theories and much systems-level research into one comprehensive and very detailed general theory of systems. SPT stresses the mechanics of how sustainable systems WORK. What they do to remain stable. SPT … Continue reading